Policy Benchmark

Policies that favour East Africa as a Textile and Apparel investment destination.


Market Watch dashboard above features multiple interactive tabs designed to equip you with a holistic view of the industry:

  • Import Powerhouses: Explore yearly import data (2012-2022) from major markets like the European Union, USA, and leading Asian nations. Identify the top suppliers fueling East Africa’s textile and apparel demand.
  • Market Share Analysis: Delve into East Africa’s market share within these key markets. Understand your competitive landscape and potential for growth.
  • East African Exports: Analyze yearly export figures for various textile categories like Apparel, Home Textiles, and more. Discover East Africa’s strengths and emerging export opportunities.

How to navigate the dashboard

  • Utilize tabs to switch between data sets effortlessly.
  • Hover over data points on charts and graphs for detailed information.
  • Downloadable reports allow you to share insights with your team.

Market Filters

  • Toggle focus between major markets by clicking on them at the top left legend.
  • Compare multiple country data by adding or removing from top right filter.

The Markets Being Watched

Total Population For EAC Vs Select Countries







